Pokemon Network ~ Pokemon Sole e Luna, Pokemon X e Y, Notizie e Pokemon, Trucchi e Codici, Battling


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    5/11/2010, 19:31
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  • cNBHooc

    One life to live to pay your daily fee
    The labor for your love weighed with hours that never cease
    They will tell you that you'll never make it
    Corruption lies within, Never bow to forty-thousand feet
    We will survive.
    This is the only way we will make it out alive
    We will survive
    Unless you persevere you'll be left to rot behind
    Two deaths to die, everything is closing in
    Still pushing forward
    Now you're standing on the edge
    They still tell you that you'll never make it
    The avaracious won't amend
    You will be carried safely in the end
    We will survive
    This is the only way we will make it out alive
    We will survive
    Unnless you preserve you'll be left to rot behind
    The slaving wager leads men to believe more than war
    Killing frenzy
    This is my survival
    We will survive
    We will survive


    Grazie a Darkness per il banner


    kZ9auUFBy Soldier, ty <3

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